Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
RCIA stands for “Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults” and it serves adults and children who were never baptized or who were baptized in another faith and are now interested in joining the Catholic Church.
There are four steps to the RCIA process, as follows:
Inquiry: This first step is an important questioning process, in which the participant learns about the main teachings of the Catholic church.
Catechumenate: During this stage we delve more deeply into topics such as the sacraments, the Scriptures, church history and the Catholic stance on social justice and life issues.
Elect: The period of Elect begins with the Rite of Sending at the parish on the Sunday morning of the Rite of Election later in the day. At the parish celebration, the catechumens (those to be baptized) will sign the Book of Elect to be presented to the bishop later in the day. At the Rite of Election, the bishop will recognize them as Elect.
This period lasts from this ceremony until the retreat on Holy Saturday. At the Easter Vigil that night, they will become new Catholics. Then the next phase begins.
Mystagogia: Mystagogia refers to delving further into the mysteries of our faith. The events of Christ’s life, from Incarnation to Resurrection, all serve to help us lead lives according to God’s will. This continuing education, which is what all Catholics should strive to do, allows our new Catholics time to reflect on what they’ve just experienced and look forward to their sacramental life in the Church.
RCIA Teachers: Shirley Kemna & Mike Verhoff assist Father Joby in teaching the RCIA classes. They enjoy teaching the Catholic Faith.
Sponsors: sponsors must be confirmed, practicing Catholics who attend Mass every Sunday and who are prepared to support someone through their questions and doubts. Sponsors are also expected to attend classes and ceremonies.
Community Support: Those who are about to enter the Catholic Church need the support and assistance of our church community.